Álvarez Pedrosian, E. (2020). From the processes of subjectivation to the ways of dwelling: the rights of a becoming ontotopology. En León Casero, J. & Urabayen, J. (eds.), Differences in the city. Postmetropolitan heterotopias as liberal utopian dreams (223-240). New York: Nova Publisher. Fotografías de Culela Carvallo, K.
Abstract: We propose a double-entry approach to the subject as a strategy between thinking and knowing. Firstly, we will pose a conceptual problem based on various connections of Foucault´s work with lines of thought that allow us to thicken his approach to heterotopias in order to draw ontological considerations regarding processes of subjectivation and contemporary city dwelling. We will then focus on an ethnographic case involving a recent urban intervention in the city of Montevideo, exploring the senses and practices involved in its formulation which emerged from the very event of its opening. We will conclude by reflecting on the challenges resulting from the proposed transformation and the rights involved in it.
Keywords: Montevideo, urban intervention, feminist urbanism, activism, way of dwelling, processes of subjectivation.
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